I Hate Sally had existed for years in Kingston doing their thing and being pretty damn good at it. Then one day something clicked, and they wrote and recorded this album. It will forever live in our hearts.
I Hate Sally had existed for years in Kingston doing their thing and being pretty damn good at it. Then one day something clicked, and they wrote and recorded this album. It will forever live in our hearts.
The radio and video play this record accomplished put this band in a place they never asked and probably never wanted to be. It was a special time though. And this record is still incredible. Smart, catchy, well composed, diverse, intelligent, and straight up ball busting.
Possibly the first post scream band in Ontario. Chad came out of Blue Sky’s At War to start this amazing project and what a fantastic departure. The first time we saw them perform was at the Bovine to six people, and it will always be remembered as one of the most touching performances Underground Operation’s staff had ever been invited out to.
This record was highly anticipated by many to only be met by the bands immediate breakup. It was a sad end for a great band. The effort and talent in this record shines to this day, and like always the lyrics and messaging reflect Adam Cook’s great talent, ideas, and offerings perfectly.
It’s a concept record about a girl named Kezia on death row broken into three parts and a finale… ask them about it if you get a chance.
1st Pressing:
180 Gram Black Vinyl w/ Embossed Cover – /500
2nd Pressing:
Gold Vinyl – /500
The summer of 2005 was a summer to remember…
Making this record in Steve Rizuns studio for two weeks was fun, then we decided to finish it in the UO basement office creating a vocal booth out of our inventory closet. Productivity slowed to a halt for that week and a half but eventually this bad boy came out.
First came Toronto pop punk legends- The Stiffs, and from their ashes then rose DLD. This record was an incredible feat for Rob and his gang as they forged into new land without their usual pop punk structures and distortion pedals to prove that they were indeed the song writers and performers all of Scarborough believed them to be.
All the money from this record was dropped off in a Crown Royal sack to the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. Other than that, its pretty cool to listen back to this slice of Canadian Indie Music’s history.
Our second full roster sampler that really put a flag in the ground for each of the bands. It was the best of times.